Lithium niobate LN

Lithium niobate LN is an inorganic substance with a chemical formula of LiNbO3. It is a negative crystal and a ferroelectric crystal . The polarized lithium niobate crystal has many properties such as piezoelectricity, ferroelectricity, photoelectricity, nonlinear optics, and thermoelectricity. High-performance materials with photorefractive effects at the same time. Lithium niobate crystal is a good piezoelectric transduction material, ferroelectric material 

Product Description

Lithium niobate LN is an inorganic substance with a chemical formula of LiNbO3. It is a negative crystal and a ferroelectric crystal . The polarized lithium niobate crystal has many properties such as piezoelectricity, ferroelectricity, photoelectricity, nonlinear optics, and thermoelectricity. High-performance materials with photorefractive effects at the same time. Lithium niobate crystal is a good piezoelectric transduction material, ferroelectric material , electro-optic material , as an electro-optic material, it plays an optical modulation role in optical communication, and is widely used in parametric oscillators, frequency doubling, acousto-optic devices, and optical modulation device. The incorporation of MgO can effectively improve the anti-damage threshold of the crystal.

Main features

Curie temperature 1140±5℃ , high modulation bandwidth, stable physical and chemical properties.

Typical applications

SAW filters, isolators, narrowband filters, sensors, photonic tunable filters, acousto-optic devices, optical gyroscopes, optical waveguide optical switches, optical modulation directional couplers, optical communication modulators, interferometers , gyrator, high-speed long-distance communication devices and frequency multiplier devices, etc.

Product parameters

Dimensions3",   4", 6", 8" Ingot and Wafer (SAW/Optical Grade)
dopingUndoped   or dopable MgO
Crystal rod length≥50mm
Wafer Thickness0.25,   0.35, 0.50(mm) can be customized
TangentialY42°/Y36°/Y128°/X/Y/Z   can be customized according to customer needs
surface treatmentPolished on one side, Polished on both sides
TTV< 5µm
Oriented Edge Width32.0±2.0mm can be customized
polished surfaceRoughness Ra≤1nm
Chamfer0.1mm@45°   or round edge

Material properties

Lattice parametersa=0.515Å, c=13.863Å, Z=6Å
melting point125 0 ±5°C
Curie point1140±5℃
Moh's hardness 5
density4.6 5 g/ cm3
Deliquescencenot deliquescent
Dielectric constantε11/ε0=85; ε33/ε0=29.5
Thermal expansion coefficienta1=a2=2×10 -6 / ℃ , a3=2.2×10 -6 / ℃ @25 ℃
Resistivity38 W/m/K @ 25 °C
Light transmission range370-5000nm
piezoelectric constantd22=2.04×10-11 C /N, d33=0.6×10-11 C /N,   d15=7×10-11 C   /N, d31=-0.1×10-11 C /N
Electro-optic coefficientgT33=32pm/V, gS33=31pm/V; gT31=10pm/V, gS31=8.6pm/VgT22=6.8pm/V, gS22=3.4pm/V
Refractive indexno=2.2827 ne=2.1928 @633nm
